Data-Q Research

Survey Design

We are experts in all phases of online survey design and questionnaire formatting for all types of studies (Awareness, Attitude, Usage (A&U) Surveys, Branding, Naming, and Concept Testing Surveys etc). Our expertise in market research survey programming along with in depth knowledge of various survey programming tools enable us to create some of the best online market research surveys.

Our survey design process involves close coordination between key client representatives and core DataQ project team. The end result is a customized survey tailored specifically to your information needs and strategic objectives.

We help increase respondent interest and participation levels by creating interactive online surveys that provide a more interesting experience for respondents.

DataQ provides a wide range of study designs including:

  1. Web Based Surveys
  2. Awareness, Attitude, and Usage (A&U) Surveys
  3. Concept Testing
  4. Customer Satisfaction, Retention, and Loyalty
  5. Customer and Market Profiling
  6. Brand Image analysis
  7. Market Segmentation
  8. New Product Development

Expertise in managing market research surveys. Some of our Survey Design Services include:

  1. Survey questionnaire design and ability to handle multi-country, multi-language surveys
  2. Professional, attractive and user-friendly survey design
  3. Customized branding options
  4. Quota management
  5. Cloud based solution makes surveys available anytime to any authorized users
  6. Secure technology
  7. Online monitoring
  8. Select the most reliable and suitable online panel
  9. Specific data layouts at the back end data sets